Where do you even begin with the process of shopping for tile and visiting a showroom? Well believe it or not there is a little homework to be done as the consumer. It is highly effective to spend some time researching ideas and styles online or in design magazines that interest you. Once your homework is done then you have more things to consider. Use this handy check list to help you move in the right direction.
Decide if you will be using a professional interior designer for the project
Take photos of your space to show my designer and/or showroom sales person
Take your set of blue prints and/or any drawings of your space with you to the showroom
Decide on a color scheme and take all samples of other materials (ie. fabric, cabinet, counter top, paint swatch) with you to the showroom
Decide if your first showroom visit will be a browsing session or if you are ready to have one on one time with a salesperson